

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Comic and Zine Market ✧ Art Gallery of Alberta ✧

Published 12 months ago • 2 min read


The first day was slow, but the second day was amazing (despite the wildfire smoke outside)!

One of my dreams as a kid was to set up some kind of art gallery show with my comic UNSPOKEN; the pages printed and put on a wall shaped as a maze and you could walk through the labyrinth and read the comic at the same time. Tabling at the Art Gallery of Alberta is kind of the closest I've ever gotten to having my "art" in a real gallery!!!

We both hit some new sales records at this Market, which is super motivating! When you table in a new place you never really know what kind of audience to expect, or what kind of numbers to predict.

Matt also had a good time showcasing his debut of Issues 2 and 3 and sold a number of copies. Once we remembered that we haven't signed any of the new issues we started rapidly signing every display copy. Signing books is the fun part of publishing!

We also enjoyed looking for new food places to grab breakfast and dinner; Seoul's Fried Chicken was amazing.

Many of the fellow vendors were also members of Calgary's Panel One Society, so it was fun to catch up with fellow creators who also travelled from Calgary to Edmonton (about a three hour 300km drive). Their next event is June 3, two weeks away!

Matt forgot to make a sign with his contact and social media info for this Market, so we hope to remedy that in time for Panel One.

We will also be making these issues available for sale online after that event, so stay tuned for when I finally update inventory for our web shop.

I also have two Pride Markets lined up for the summer, so you'll be hearing about those events soon! Fingers crossed that weather will be clear and sunny because those events are outdoors. In the meantime, when not busy signing up as a vendor and preparing merch and editing new books, I'll be catching up on rest with my Biscuit.

That about wraps up this message: hope you all had a great weekend. Stay safe out there and show love to those around you!




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